Thursday, March 18, 2010

Faith in Fact

In church on Sunday - a member from the congregation gave a talk about exercising faith every day. This is a young husband and father - he served a church mission and daily practices his faith in God, in his religion and the teachings our Christian branch follows. Much of what he said was scripture based, or focused on a church leader who is our mouthpiece for Christ - I was not so engaged until he drew a parallel between our scriptures and an experiment he did. In Christian scriptures - a worthy prophet has a very close daily relationship with the Lord and is guided how to speak, act and mobilize for himself, his family and the people who follow him. He and the people are guided and protected so long as they follow the teachings of the Lord. Often - under dire circumstances (think Abraham or Moses or Noah) - and the people are blessed and preserved. In parallel, the Prophet writes down what he felt were inspired words or acts - which we modern people know these as historic scriptures. Modern prophets can speak freely via many communications channels. This guy who spoke said he practiced this himself for the 2 weeks prior to giving his talk - each day upon rising before his family, he prayed for specific guidance for that day - and took it upon faith - he assumed - that everything he did, thought and felt was guidance from the Lord. He wrote down everything and followed the teachings he was (and had always been) given. His life changed. His family's life has changed as they all practice this. What if you did that? Wake and pray (think, meditate) for guidance and wisdom to endure and follow as you are instructed to do. Assume everything you feel and say and do is an inspiration. What a feeling to be guided (not told) how to engage for the day to get the most out of it and give the most you can. I'm trying it this week - and I'm finding this faith exercise factual. Have you ever done anything like this? Its quite empowering. If you're not much into religion or spirituality - use positive thinking and affirmations.

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