Saturday, January 30, 2010

Good Advice

In my 49 years, I come to know about stories where very public affairs altered lives, hurt feelings, ruined careers and reputations.

As a young woman - I was not always as careful as I might have been which was partly fear and partly naivety.

It may be by the grace of God that mostly - when a couple gets together either in or out of wedlock, planned or unplanned - a life is not created. I remember reading that even on a very good day and in the very best of circumstances - human conception is something like 25% successful or something like that. As a Christian - I think that one of the best supporting arguments for sex AFTER marriage is that human conception is a blessing and responsibility of marriage. I value human life and even children born of scandal can find a better identity than some of the unpleasant labels we have for them. We're humans - no one takes a test before being allowed to have sex and possibly become a parent.

Just reading the ugly story of Senator John Edwards and he is not the first public figure to fall from grace because of an affair. When I read the account of Andrew Young's now public knowledge of the John Edwards affair - I cringe when I read, "according to Mr Edwards, his mistress was unable to bear children."

Hey, they beat the odds!

How powerful are 3 little words - use a condom.

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