Friday, December 4, 2009

Dont like your problems? Look at someone elses...

I was twirling for a few days about someone who "yanked my chain" so to speak and I happened to read a blog about a woman struggling with her trials. She was completely in a hole over a man who had sort of led her on for nearly 3.5 years - only to learn somewhat indirectly that this guy had "found the woman of his dreams...." and all sorts of other nasty details that only thrashed her heart around and tore her skin off. My chain was yanked for a brief moment - and its over mostly. I could tell this lady was really hurting - and I was thankful for my tiny problems of the moment. I was only misunderstood, ranted at, criticized, and wrongly accused of perhaps more than normal supply of ignorance...with an undertone of racism...which I resented.

There are so many wonderful natural ways of getting over things. I read yesterday how important a good deep breath of air is to the human psyche. If you read this - whoever you are - wherever you are - right now...take a deep breath of air into your lungs. You know - from down deep in your lungs - your stomach should inflate when you do this. Yes.... breathe. Get a few good ones. And, if you can, go out and hug a tree while you're at it.

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