My skin doesn't know it, but we love long sunshiny days, coastal breezes that sneak over the hills to cool us in the evening, summer foods (watermelon, lemonade, growing a garden (I'm not good at it)), Ed my Japanese maple is all green and shady in the front yard, I take walks after dark - await the 4th of July parade and party and fireworks, summer concerts, fairs & festivals....
I love that people are out more. Love that we get our important vitamins A & D just by being outside - and hopefully - find a bit more joy than in the chill and darkness of the winter. I was born in the winter and learned to cope with harshness - but the summer does my heart good.
Namaste everybody - lets have a great summer. And I wouldn't mind it one tiny bit if the great love of my life showed up about now.... I'm just saying
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