I grew up with him - he's just a year and a half older than me. He and his brothers grew up in front of America.... along with the Osmond’s. What a handsome family - great talent – pressure - sorrow. It was clear to me after the parabolic launch to stardom from Thriller and Bad... he was a troubled soul. Yes, the surgery.... the strangely white skin. But the messages of his songs held clues – and the childlike nature - came through loud and clear. Here is a talented and troubled soul. This is not an uncommon theme – he told his wife, Lisa Marie Presley, he would probably die tragically like her father.
At work on Thursday - the jokes flew. The memories of the scandalous child molestation allegations. His strange lifestyle…. Does he somehow deserve this? News will probably trickle out over time – possibly some “truth”. I would not want his life.
Reality is – he left us something beautiful… I chose to remember those things that Michael came with naturally and thrilled us with. God bless his family in trying to leave his kids with some dignity and validation.